The secret of a good interview is preparation.
Our structured, comprehensive and interactive Interview Preparation will give you a step-by-step plan which is easy to follow, empowering you to have the best possible chance of succeeding in the interview.
Your coach will show you how to prepare properly, and give you a proven strategy for handling the interview itself, including how to create the best first impression at the start, how to make an impact in the body of the interview, and a solid way of ending the interview confidently leaving a positive, lasting impression.
Our fully trained and experienced Interview Coaches will work with you on a proven successful strategy to enable you to make the very best of your interview, with the option to have a mock interview role play to practise your interview technique, followed by full written constructive feedback.
Examples of services and timings:
​Mock interview role play on Skype or phone - approximately 30 - 60 minutes
Standard Interview coaching of 60 minutes covering general interview techniques
Tailored Interview Coaching of 90 minutes for a specific position or a particular type of interview
Fully interactive Interview Coaching session including the mock interview role play and tailored interview coaching with full feedback – approximately 2 hours
These sessions can be conducted via phone, WhatsApp or Skype, or face to face at a convenient location in London.